Kitty at work

Posted by Trinkit on Jul 20th, 2007

Still not had much luck in updating, but, the blog is far from abandoned.  I hope to resume a more regular posting schedule, but, right now it’s still a bit busy x.x;

Got some projects underway, and might be doing some blurbs for the upcoming SketchieGames independent game studio.  Fun stuff!

Trinkitty has returned

Posted by Trinkit on Jul 6th, 2007

I’ve been missing for a week or so whilst I made my transition from Canadian kitty to American. Still heavy in the move though, got lots of crap to move around an unpack. Hoping I’ll be able to return to a more active posting schedule soon.

It’s not exactly 1 month after I made my return to the states.  I’ve still not managed to get life settled, it’s hard when you have to transition everything.  My schedule’s still an absolute mess.  My blog’s been discovered by spambots though.  Which makes for an interesting look at the stats.  It appears my traffic’s skyrocketed during my time away.

I’ve got a nice plan for some future posts though, keep an eye out. :)